


The initiatory system of the Order consists of the seven degrees of attainment, three of which correspond to the initiatory trials, and four, to the transcendental practices.

Eruditus (Iº) actively comprehends the variety of intellectual knowledge of the world and obtains the ability to apply it. This implies the ability to formulate personal understanding utilizing the language of science and philosophy, balance one’s views with the historical and cultural reality, avoid repetition, discover uniqueness and carry on a dialogue. When these abilities are revealed, and external knowledge becomes self-evident and devoid of novelty, the degree is considered complete.

Empiricus (IIº) saturates his or her life with the maximum variety of experiences, harmonizes external and internal factors in the integrity of his or her own self, is mindful of the here and now and controls his or her destiny, and obtains clear vision and experience of authenticity based on reality as opposed to its interpretations. When these criteria are manifest and the fullness of the existential realization reaches the point where the new experiences evoke no enthusiasm anymore, the degree is considered complete.

Metaphysicus (IIIº) is free from necessity and causality, develops maximum awareness and sustainable direction, reaches the inner identity with the Universe as a whole and its particular manifestations, obtains the ability to control the illusions and cause the metamorphoses of reality, and transcends him- or herself and anything that can hinder his or her attainment. This degree has no boundaries, and is of the nature of unfinished process.

These degrees correspond to the initiatory trials of the Order designed to facilitate and accelerate the direct work of the individual towards their attainment.

The initiatory trials are innovative in their methods and forms – they are conducted as philosophical interviews in which the candidate finds him- or herself in a variety of borderline situations and independently obtains answers to questions asked. The candidate is tried until his or her understanding reaches maximum depth and clarity.

The process and the outcome of the interview are assessed by the Initiatory Committee, which shall issue an opinion on the degree of success in passing the trial, giving, where appropriate, recommendations for further advancement.

The four exalted degrees are the developments of different aspects of the first three ones.

Heros (IVº) comprehends the depths and heights by means of borderline states and qualities, ascertaining his or her own identity with the metaphysical vertical axis of the world.

Peregrinator (Vº) obtains the experience of inner infinity advancing through its continuous levels of organization.

Clerus (VIº) reaches a transcendental presence as the utmost climax of an individual realization.

Nihil (VIIº) manifests the being, revels in eternity or goes through metamorphoses beyond the horizons of existence.

These exalted degrees relate with the special transcendental practices of the Order. They harmonize the subject’s instinctive, intellectual and cultural principles allowing one to perceive reality at the level of genuine philosophy.