I. Scientia
1. Scientia means knowledge that is based on the aspirations to the comprehensive understanding and satisfactory explanation.
2. It is characterized, on the inner plane, by the competence, and on the outer one, by the rational form that bears up under scrutiny.
3. This knowledge has varied specifics. The matter is manifested in the states of stability and variability, which in turn produce:
1) knowledge that reflects stable reality and is invariable, verifiable and reliable;
2) knowledge that models volatile reality and is variable, hypothetic and probable.
4. The abovementioned knowledge types cohere in the synthetic knowledge that:
1) goes beyond formal contradictions and subject-object dichotomy, being reasonable, versatile and relevant;
2) reckons with determinism, metamorphism, chance and irreversibility, being valid, multimodal and potential.
5. The synthetic knowledge depends on the complementary concepts:
1) constructivism – a form of an understanding of the cognitive activity as the construction of a personal interpretation;
2) transcendental realism – a form of an insightful awareness of being as a given of a general order.
6. The increment of the synthetic knowledge is an art requiring a number of inner qualities, such as subtle sensibility, mindfulness, awareness and determination, as well as operations, such as immersion into the uncertainty, inner experience, distinction, goal-setting, presumption, trial, reflection, reevaluation, interrogation and perfection.
II. Existentia
1. Existentia reflects:
1) the experience of an immediate reality that ascends from the reflexes, emotions and images to the conceptual constructs of consciousness, such as notions, abstractions, concepts and principles;
2) the experience of a mediated reality that reveals a set of metaphysical states behind the conceptual constructs of consciousness.
2. Existentia presupposes:
1) the indivisibility of subject and object;
2) the intenseness and variegation of experience;
3) the coherence of perception, understanding and thinking;
4) the concreteness and substantivity of the content;
5) the liminal state of knowledge.
3. Existentia overcomes suggestibility that is characterized by one-dimensionality, and reveals the world in its pre-rationalization state, thus bringing about the clear vision and the authenticity experience.
4. This experience, in its ultimate manifestation, is characteristic of the two kinds of individuality with their differing priorities:
1) an authentic agent, being a vehicle of the general will, is characterized by merging, subordination and serving the interests of the superior;
2) an authentic subject, being a vehicle of the particular will, is characterized by autonomy, self-reliance and acting in one’s own interests.
5. The complementary practices that correspond to Existentia are:
1) cognitive obscurantism – the method of cognition through obscuration and utter confusion that impels towards finding certainty and clarity;
2) illuminism – the method of cognition through clarification that is attained in immediate contemplation, reflection or trance.
6. Existentia is an art that leads to the transformation of one’s life into the project of one’s personal philosophy. Such a plan always has a risk of going wrong, however what is important is the process itself with its chance to obtain Summum Bonum.
III. Transcendentia
1. Transcendentia is a way of attaining a fundamentally new dimension of existence by means of expansion into uncertainty with the purpose of discovering one’s own extended and deepened form. It triggers the process of formation, updating and transformation of a worldview whose meanings are transformed in accordance with a new knowledge.
2. Going beyond is one and only activity rendered by Transcendentia. This operation is always gradual and irreversible – it goes beyond history and opens up new vistas.
3. Transcendentia proceeds in three major forms, which differ in their preconditions, possibilities and results:
1) emergence is an evolutionary transition to a new level that is characteristic of the natural order of things;
2) initiation is an externally authorized transition that speeds up and directs evolution;
3) transgression is an intentional transition directed towards the limits.
4. Transcendentia ranges from the ordinary to the exceptional phenomenon that implies freedom from necessity and conditionality, arbitrariness, excess and challenge to everything.
5. It presupposes the following complementary operations:
1) exit from certainty – an irreversible rupture driven by dissatisfaction with the current order of existence;
2) entrance into uncertainty – chancing upon the conjunction of circumstances that is loaded with unforeseen dangers and interesting opportunities.
6. Transcendentia is an art of metamorphoses in the act of cognition of infinite spaces, as well as a liberal science that tirelessly confirms the failure of all that hinders one’s aspiration to realize oneself.